Thursday, June 25, 2009

Is Lyla crawling yet?

Answer yesterday: Getting close but not quite yet.
Answer today: YES YES YES! Lyla took 8 crawling steps last night! Belly didn't drag the floor, got on her hands and knees and crawled about 5 feet.
In a matter of days she figured it all out - so I know in a matter of a few more days she will be crawling from one side of the room to the other side.
Okay Mom - I can hear you now "Manda you better go purchase a gate!" I hear you loud and clear mama!!!
Video coming soon.....


Unknown said...

Go Lyla Go! Go Lyla Go!
(BTW - just go buy a volleyball or badminton net to stretch across there until you can get a gate that will work with your stairwell.)

Anonymous said...

Good idea Carri and yes Manda listen to your mom...Can't wait for the video. Love Grandma