Monday, September 29, 2008

Less than 3 weeks...

This past weekend was very interesting. I will spare you all some of the details...there are some things that are not meant for a public blog:):) Let's just say that I spent the entire weekend curled up in a blanket on the couch! The times spent off the couch were filled with pain. There's a pregnancy term called "lightening" and I can not think of a better word. Walking has become a fear of mine because I do not know when "lightening" will strike...and when it does all I can do it scream or yelp! So what's "lightening"? Lightening during pregnancy actually refers to the term used to describe the babies head engaging in the pelvis before vaginal birth. For me this comes with much discomfort. I get the biggest - intense - deep - shock wave of pain in my stops me dead in my tracks...there is no point trying to walk thru the pain as it only last for about 10 seconds...10 seconds too long:) So all in all - Baby Austin is making his way down the pelvis and is getting mommy geared up for labor! I spoke with my doctor...if the intense shock wave of pain continues they want me to come in before my next appointment to get an internal exam. NOW...I kept telling myself to not jump the gun...I didn't want to convince myself that I will deliver before 40 weeks...but you know what....I am not going to be naive and in denial. My body is definitely telling me something and I am going to listen close:) This baby could come any day...this past weekend definitely prepared me that any day really means any day!!! Oh and lastly now I know what a "real" contraction feels like...yep...I definitely had some contractions over the weekend. Braxton-Hicks no more - these are contractions! Just as everyone has said "You'll know when you are having a contraction" man are those people right:) So let's just say I am showing all those pre-labor signs. It could be days or weeks...but one thing is for sure...Baby Austin is getting prepared to make an entrance into the world!!! SO EXCITING!!!!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

September 18th....1 more month!!!!

WOW....I can hardly believe we are one month away from our estimated due date!!! I say estimated due date because I have convinced myself that I am going to have Baby Austin 2 weeks late so if Baby A comes sooner....what a pleasant surprise:)
So how am I feeling?
ACHY.....very very ACHY! My lower back....but the HIPS are really where it's at....OUCH! I honestly feel like they are going to split in two and fall off. I know - I know - they are making room for that baby but really until you've had a baby you truly have no idea what is in store at this point! Thank you to those mommies that have told me that I will not remember these aches and pains once the baby is born and moreso how quickly all the aches and pains, swollen body parts, heartburn, etc....all disappear.
I am getting SO anxious to meet Baby Austin I really can hardly stand it! Michelle - thanks for the Christmas Eve comparison - It is SO true! There is such excitement, anticipation, and an element of surprise as to "What will we get - in this case will it be a boy or a girl?" I have a month of Christmas Eve nights ahead of me...I know it will be so worth the wait:):)

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Got Milk?

Finally I can answer "yes" to the question.....
"Do you have any cravings?"
Katie - I am sorry to's nothing will be disappointed - haha!!!
I am craving - MILK!!!! Yep good ole' milk. I can not get enough of it. I wake up in the middle of the night with thoughts of milk and can't help but make my way to the kitchen. It takes some effort since I do not have feeling in my fingers and I can not bend my fingers (pregnancy carpal tunnel) but last night I managed to pick up a gallon a milk and take a sip - it was SO worth it!!! Oh thought...I should pour milk into a glass and leave it in the fridge before I go to bed so all I have to do it reach for the glass instead of the entire gallon - brilliant idea:):)
And Michael - I very much still love when you bring me apple juice in bed before you go to work - please continue:)
So with all this happening in the middle of the night....milk cravings...4 to 5 restroom trips....tossing and turning.....the sleepless nights have arrived. Hmmm....light bulb....I think these type of nights are exactly what's in my future for some time to come.
Milk cravings, diaper changes, and sleepless nights - oh my!!
Awwww - but MILK makes it all better!!! I hope Baby Austin loves milk as much as I:)
Yuuuuuummmmmm....I wish I had some milk right now!!! Anyone - Got Milk?

Saturday, September 6, 2008

What a weekend....

Labor Day Weekend how things can change in a year. In past years, the tradition has always been to go back to Ohio and pretty much "party" with family and friends. This past Labor Day I am happy to say we have started a new tradition that makes me very happy. That is to spend "quality" time with friends and family. Times...they are a changin' and I could not be happier!!!!!!

The weekend started off with my Baby Shower. I was surprised...well actually I take that back...of course my sister came up with the best phrase for the Cake:)

Written on the cake:

What will Baby Austin be?

A Bearcat Cheerleader like her mom at UC?

Or will Baby Austin be a "he" and play Spartan football like his dad on TV?

Oh and did you notice the scoreboard - 50/ in a 50/50 chance it will be a girl or boy - ha how clever!!!!!

And to complete it my mom came up with the idea to dress up my old cabbage patch dolls:) To no surprise - Baby Austin was completely spoiled and received so many thoughtful gifts. It was so great to be surrounded by such loving family and friends and see their excitement for Baby Austin's arrival. I look forward to seeing Baby Austin in each of your arms and seeing you be there for Baby Austin as all of you have been there for me. I love each and everyone of you - THANK YOU so much for everything!!!!!

Next up - some serious Sisterly Bonding Time. I had never heard of a Belly Cast until Carri did one with Josie. I knew right then I would want my sister to do my Belly Cast once I was pregnant. I had been looking forward to doing this for so long - and I was not disappointed - this is an experience every prego women should have. My experience was extra special because it was just my sister and I. Well okay - take that back. The Master Plaster (daddy-o) set up the perfect work station and was there to provide his expert advice.

The end result - the perfect Belly Cast! A masterpiece that I will have forever and can't wait to share with Baby Austin.

And lastly, my 30th birthday celebration! Those of you that know me well know that I do not like a lot of hoopla. I would be happy going to I-hop on my birthday and eating my favorite omelette:):) I was a little nervous since the weekend was "all about me." I survived but only because those closest to me knew how to make it the perfect b-day celebration! We all went to the best hot wing joint - Fricker's. PERFECT! And even more perfect I got to share my big day with my daddy-o who turned 6-0 and Debbie who turned 50 something:) We all shared a cake and enjoyed some really tasty hot wings! Yum Yum. The night ended in "Johnson" fashion. We all went home - got in our comfy clothes - watched TV - and crashed!!!

And I had to save my favorite photos for last. That Josie...check her out. We were explaining to her that her cousin would be arriving soon.

She definitely understood what we were saying. I think she is a little excited to meet her cousin:):) Awww...they are going to be the best of friends!! I can NOT wait!!!!

I have no idea why I can't get the slideshow option to work - click or cut in paste the below link into your browser for more fun filled pictures from the weekend: