Friday, November 28, 2008


Playtime has a new meaning. Playtime is both fun to watch and participate.
As you see here Lyla is enjoying what is called her Playpen..kind of wrong when you think about it...she is not an animal:) Lyla lays here and stares in amazement at her surroundings. The best is when she gets "stuck" on you see here...very entertaining and so enjoyable to see her excitement when she discovers new things!

The next series of events will explain why we think playtime has a new meaning....participating!!! We like to dress up and pose our child for pure entertainment sake.

Can you blame us...we would not be good parents if we passed up this opportunity. Our little Spartan!

And finally...using our child to make a statement! Just in case you can't make it out - her bib says: the new black!!

Michael thinks this is her Karate Kid pose. You know the famous scene from Karate Kid I. For you true fans out that - you know - The Crane Kick - haha!!!

I am determined to get the video link up and running so you can all enjoy Lyla in action:) I need to share all those coos and smiles...stay tuned!!!!


Evelyn said...

Fun, Fun, Fun I miss dress up days!! It was so good seeing all of you. Will we see Christmas?

Anonymous said...

So cute. Lyla is a "green" baby. xoxo - Case

Unknown said...

Ha, I'm going to have to send you a copy of "Eco Babies Wear Green" and actually I guess you will also need "Urban Babies Wear Black". :)