On the drive to MSU Michael and I were talking about how "strange" it was going to be to have Lyla with us at MSU! All the college memories - you always think about the day of bringing your child back so when it was actually happening it was definitely a "strange" moment.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Can you say Poser?!?!?
This one being the most entertaining! Is she seriously looking over her shoulder with her chin down?!?!?!?!
This is a new face that she has been making recently! LOL
Zoo round 2!
Yeah for monkeys!!!
Lyla could care less that this goat was trying to eat her...in fact this is the only picture I got of her looking at the goat. Yep we still aren't quite there yet:)
And here is my last attempt - trying to explain that there is a huge camel behind her- yeah the attempt failed - haha!
Time to start exploring!
Technical difficulties - click below link to see video:
Next up - Lyla swingin' solo.
BUT - Michael was a tad unsure - check out this video:
And finally I think I enjoyed this more than Lyla:)
Sunday brought the rainy/cloudy blues so we had some good ole' fun at home. Here is Michael giving Lyla her first cooking lesson. She was so interested - she didn't take her eyes of "fatha" the entire time!
And just a fun one to end with - we are so looking forward to getting Lyla in the great outdoors. Here she is hangin' with us on our front balcony! Gotta love the landscape in the background!
Next up - our trip back to Michigan State!!!